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Attitudes Toward Influenza Vaccination Administration in the Emergency Department Among Health Care Providers: A Cross-Sectional Survey

CVKET-NO-Patients ED Influenza Vaccination

Charles V. Keating Emergency and Trauma Centre (ED)

Introduction: Influenza is a burdensome and vaccine-preventable infectious disease. Lack of time was reported as a common barrier by Canadians who did not receive their influenza vaccine. Increasing convenient access to vaccination increases uptake, and a potential setting for vaccine administration is the emergency department, where long wait times are common. 

Methods: A cross-sectional survey to gauge health care provider support and perceived barriers and facilitators to delivering influenza vaccine was conducted at 1 emergency and trauma center in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Anonymous questionnaires were completed by a convenience sample of emergency nurses, physicians, and paramedics (n = 82). 

Results: In total, 86% (n = 68) of health care providers supported vaccination in the emergency department when sufficient staffing and resources were available. When asked to consider implementation of influenza vaccination in the emergency department based on current staffing and resources, only 59% (n = 48) supported making vaccination available. Most surveyed health care providers preferred screening for vaccination at triage (57%) and supported a nurse-initiated protocol for vaccine administration (74%). After Bonferroni correction, there was no significant association between preference for when to vaccinate and being a nurse or physician (_2(2) = 6.208, P = 0.05). The highest risk patient groups with the lowest provider endorsement of vaccination were people involved in poultry culling (77%) and pregnant women (83%). 

Discussion: Surveyed health care providers were supportive of ED influenza vaccination. However, this study revealed additional barriers that need to be addressed to effectively launch such a program.

Authors: Noelle Ozog, Audrey Steenbeek, Janet Curran, Nikki Kelly , Samuel Campbell

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